Understand Lists and Keys in React

Understand Lists and Keys in React

Learn how to Assign Keys to List Items in React Automatically

Did you know that React has a built-in method that automatically assigns the keys for you when rendering a list of children?

If you are new to React, you might wonder what keys are and what they do.

If you are familiar with keys and lists, you can skip to the bottom and learn how to automatically assign keys in React.

Introduction to Lists and Keys in React

Suppose you have the following list of data you would like to render:

const someData = ['Chipata', 'Kasama', 'Mongu',
'Livingstone', 'Mansa', 'Kabwe',
'Ndola', 'Lusaka', 'Solwezi'];

To render this in JSX, we use curly braces and loop through and transform the array using the JavaScript map() method.

const cities = someData.map(city => (

The map() callback function will transform each element in our original array into a component that can be rendered. The result from map() will be an array of React components (or HTML elements in this case).

We can then render the cities array inside a <ul> element like this:


However, if you run this code, you will notice a warning in the console stating that a key should be provided for list items.

Lists and Keys React warning

Keys help React identify which components have been added, updated, or removed. They serve as identification for components/elements. You can learn more about why you should provide keys for list items.

Using Keys in React

Keys should be unique. A simple way to correctly map the cities array above would be to use array indices as keys.

const cities = someData.map((city, i) => (
    <li key={i}>{city}</li>

If you are working with an array of objects, for example, users. You could use identifiers from your data as keys.

const users = someData.map((user) => (
    <li key={user.id}>{user.full_name}</li>

Don't Use Indexes

It is not recommended to use indexes for keys if the order of items may change. This can negatively impact performance and may cause issues with the component state. Learn more about why Indexes as Keys is an Anti-pattern

Auto-assign Keys

If you don’t have stable IDs for rendered items, you can let React handle this for you using a built-in method.

const cities = React.Children.toArray(
  someData.map((city) => <li>{city}</li>)

Wrapping up

If you're working with data that no unique identifier, for example an array of string data, I recommend using the auto-assign method shown above. Otherwise, you can just use a unique identifier e.g., user.id, as the value for a key prop.

Happy coding!

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